Get Answers on Assessment of the Poster in OENG1088 or OENG1090 Course



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Innovation / Creativity / Originality (…/10)


  • Does the (research and design) work demonstrate: Innovation / Creativity / Originality?

Scoring Numbers

Clear and Effective Communication (…/10)

  • Was the flow of presentation logical?
  • Were the graphics and text clear?
  • Were the graphs/analysis/concepts well explained?
  • Is the problem statement clear?
  • Are the objectives appropriate?
  • Did student explain clearly the objectives of their projects?
  • Are all the research questions completely answered?
  • Was the student able to relate the facts, theories and processes presented?

Scoring Numbers

Research and Design Method (…/10)

  • Was the literature review well presented?
  • Was gap in knowledge identified and well presented?
  • Have sufficient literatures and materials been reviewed as benchmarks and verifications of the projects?
  • Literature review relevancy, critical remarks, correct sourcing, etc.?

Scoring Numbers

Design and Project Management (…/10)

(a) For projects with experiments/simulation/analytical:

  • Was there systematic engineering synthesis and design process applied to develop analytical model and/or computer simulation and/or experimental rig?
  • Are the tools and equipment been identified and appropriate for the project?
  • Are the techniques and methodologies to tackle the project extensively covered?
  • Were there any implementation issues and challenges?
  • Were there any timeline for deliverables and milestones?

(b)For projects with management:

  • Was there a systematic approach applied to conduct and manage an engineering project?
  • Are the sub-tasks and phases of the project properly defined?
  • Are reasonable time frame and budget allocated for each phase?

Scoring Numbers

Critical Analysis (…/10)

  • Was the analysis critical and the conclusions well justified?
  • What is the level of achievement with respect to the objectives?

Scoring Numbers

Possible comments on Poster; possible comments to justify the marks


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