Final Written Case Analysis: Written Analysis of a Case about an Organization

Business Strategic Management Case Study & Analyzing


Case Study Details:

  • Topic: Business Strategic Management
  • Subject: Management
  • Number of Words 3500
  • Citation/Referencing Style: MLA


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You are to prepare a written analysis of a case about an organization that you choose.

Starbucks Case Study

You will be expected to carefully analyze the case (organization) using the models such as Porter’s Five, Value Chain from class (with the exception of a SWOT analysis) and develop sound conclusions and recommendations.  You should demonstrate through the analysis your ability to apply the concepts from the class to a real business situation.

Additional guidelines will be available on the course website. The analysis should be no longer than eight pages, double spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins.  You may add a cover page and additional pages for graphs, charts, tables, figures, or references.



Shows superior knowledge of the issues, key problems, and the company’s present situation. Effective Introduction/elaboration that outlines major points. Uses at least one model from the book (value chain, Porters, Strategic Canvas, etc.) and uses 12 to 15 concepts from the book.

Critical issues and key problems that supported the Case Analysis was clearly identified, analyzed, and supported. Analyzes the firm or industry with 12 to 15 concepts from the book (in detail).

Effective recommendations, solutions, and/or plans of action were provided. Specific data or facts were referred when necessary to support the analysis and conclusions. Provides more than 4 strategic recommendations with supporting logic.

Key points were clearly identified and supported with a well thought out rationale based on applying specific concepts or analytical frameworks to the data provided in the case. Excellent grammar, spelling, punctuation, professional writing, and syntax.



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