BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Construction and the Built Environment Assignment Brief Question Answers

Group Project Brief

Document Type: Assignment help (any type)
Subject: Engineering /CDR
Citation/Referencing Style: Oxford


  1. Define your project type and scope. This may be stated as a research question, objectives or a hypothesis.
  2. Provide a Project Statement that includes:
  • Clear description of the type of project and the scope of work
  • Provide a review of literature and precedents (existing projects) to give background and context for your proposal. These should provide evidence of existing knowledge and benchmarks; against which your work may be evaluated.
  1. Within your collaborative team, define clear roles and responsibilities. These should support a project methodology; leading to clear bodies of work and information to be produced by each member of the tutor.
  2. By bringing together points 1-3 (above), prepare a Project Proposal to be reviewed, discussed and agreed with your tutor.
  3. Carry-out the research and work, as defined in your Project Proposal.
  4. Ensure that you are recording both individual and team activities. These should be clearly logged.
  5. Prepare all necessary documentation, information and presentation material necessary to communicate your project outcomes in a professional manner.
  6. Reflect on the success of your project, as a team, and your performance at the end of the project with the inclusion of a project evaluation and recommendations.

Choosing a research objective/question

The theme of the project is

Changing Technologies in the Construction Industry

Students are to choose their own research topic for this unit. Strong projects are those with clear, well focused and defined objectives. A central skill in selecting a research objective is the ability to select a suitable and focused research objective. One of the best ways to do this is to put it in the form of a question. Students should be encouraged to discuss a variety of topics related to the theme and from here to generate ideas for a good research objective. The range of topics could cover issues such as:

  • How does building information modelling (BIM) change the flow of information between project stakeholders?
  • Does off-site construction offer improvements in sustainability?
  • How may the use of drones improve site supervision and health & safety?
  • How does the availability of low-cost sensors create opportunity for more reliable building monitoring?

The final submission for the development should address the following tasks.

Task 1

  • Evaluate own skills and the skills of others through skills auditing and review.
  • Develop role descriptions and responsibilities within a team.
  • Discuss the allocation of roles within a collaborative team to meet overall project needs.
  • Justify the allocation of roles and responsibilities within a team, recognising individual skills and ambitions vs project requirements.

Task 2

  • Develop a project plan to ensure successful achievement of completed project.
  • Illustrate resource planning (both physical and human) as well as time planning.
  • Interpret events and activities in a project plan in order to indicate milestones, and risks.
  • Critically evaluate the relationships between project planning and tender documentation, highlighting ways in which tender information responds to project planning.

Task 3

  • Develop construction drawings and specifications.
  • Prepare a cost plan.
  • Produce a pre-construction health & safety method statement.
  • Evaluate the ways in which Building Information Modelling can provide greater efficiency in collaborative preparation of tender documentation.

Task 4

  • Undertake a continual review of their own work, recording this throughout the project.
  • Evaluate their own working practices in relation to that of other members of the team, identifying areas of good practice.
  • Evaluate their own personality profile in relation to your working practices.
  • Critically evaluate the success of a project by considering individual and group working practices in relation to assigned roles and personality profiles.

Students will need to reflect on the success of their project and their own performance in a personal performance review at the end of the project. This is a written reflection of 500 words (students will not be penalized if they exceed this word limit).


Students shall work in groups of two or more and produce a report containing the above tasks. The report shall be in the form of a word processed or PDF document comprising the main elements of an introduction, body, and summary. Students are encouraged to use illustrative materials in their submission. The team may use any referencing material and referencing will be according to the Harvard referencing system.

Assessment Criteria

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
LO1 Assess individual and group skills in order to allocate roles within a collaborative teamD1 Justify the allocation of roles and responsibilities within a team, recognising individual skills and ambitions vs project requirements.
P1 Evaluate own skills and the skills of others through skills auditing and review.

P2 Develop role descriptions and responsibilities within a team.

M1 Discuss the allocation of roles within a collaborative team to meet overall project needs.
LO2 Plan a construction project, based on the Pearson-set theme, in collaboration with others to ensure good practice in resource management, staffing and project schedulingLO2 LO3

D2 Critically evaluate the relationships between project planning and tender documentation, highlighting ways in which tender information responds to project planning.

P3 Develop a project plan to ensure successful achievement of completed project.

P4 Illustrate resource planning (both physical and human) as well as time planning.

M2 Interpret events and activities in a project plan in order to indicate milestones, and risks.
LO3 Prepare tender documentation; undertaking work appropriate to a defined role within a team
P5 Develop construction drawings and specifications.

P6 Prepare a cost plan.

P7 Produce a pre-construction health & safety method statement.

M3 Evaluate the ways in which Building Information Modelling can provide greater efficiency in collaborative preparation of tender documentation.
LO4 Evaluate own work, and the work of others, in a collaborative teamD3 Critically evaluate the success of a project by considering individual and group working practices in relation to assigned roles and personality profiles.
P8 Undertake a continual review of their own work, recording this throughout the project.

P9 Evaluate their own working practices in relation to that of other members of the team, identifying areas of good practice.

M4 Evaluate their own personality profile in relation to your working practices.

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