BSBPMG522 SD Project Management Plan Template

Native Bush Spices Australia


Project Management Plan



Include project title.



Provide a brief explanation of the background and/or context of the project



What is the aim of this project?


Target Outcomes:

The benefit that the project intends to achieve

How the success of the project will be measured:

Describe the measure(s) that will be used to indicate that the project has been successfully completed.

Project Activities & Milestones:

List the major activities, scheduled start, scheduled finish and who has been assigned accountability. Milestones are indicated by blank scheduled start date. The activities appearing in the predecessor column must be completed before the activity described can begin.

Project areaActionsResponsibilityScheduled startScheduled finish

Project Budget:

Include approved project budget as per business case:

Cost areaDetailsEstimated cost

Project Communications

List the project communications activities, including meetings and project status reports.

Communication typeDescriptionWho


Scheduled startScheduled finish

Risk management strategy

List the major risks identified from the business case, as well as consequences of the risk occurring. Use the risk assessment legend to establish severity and likelihood. Document risk treatment/control measures.

RiskLikelihoodSeverityTreatment/control methods


For More Information 

Project Management Plan

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