Assessment Task: BSBADM405 Organise Meetings Questions

STUDENT NAME* Insert your name here:
NATIONAL COURSE NAMECIV Leadership and Management
NATIONAL UNIT NAME/SOrganise  meetings
Trainer/assessor – Note each assessment task/s included and the assessment method. Insert/delete extra rows if required (right click add/delete).
Task 1Question bank
Task 3Research Task
Task 3Practical task – Organise a meeting
•      There are 3 assessment tasks for these units. All of these assessment tasks are contained in this document.

•      These tasks make up 100% of the assessment for these units.

•      You must achieve a satisfactory grade in each task to achieve a result of competent for the units.



  1. I declare this assessment task to be solely my own work or, I have acknowledged within my assessment if this work was completed with a peer
  2. I have notified the trainer/assessor of any special needs or requirements I have in relation to the assessment
  3. I understand that my assessment will not be returned to me and I have kept a copy of my own work
  4. I have read and understood the Assessment Policy provided in Every Student’s Guide to Assessment in .

          STUDENT NAME                              STUDENT SIGNATURE                                      DATE


  • This assessment is to determine your competency in relation to the unit BSBADM405
  • The task/s require you to:
    • Answer all the questions in the question bank
    • Complete the Research task
    • Organise a meeting
  • Should you have any concerns about this assessment, please contact your trainer/assessor before beginning the task/s.

ASSESSMENT TASK 1 – Question Bank

All questions require a written answer.   You may word process your answers or hand write them (your handwriting must be legible).

You must answer each question correctly. If you do not answer a question correctly, you will be given feedback and be given another opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and skills to be deemed satisfactory in this Event.

Your answers can be in dot point format provided each point supplies sufficient detail.

  1. What types of meetings can be held in an organisation?
  2. What types of legal or ethical requirements might you have to comply with in an organisation?
  3. List and describe the resources that might be required in a meeting?
  4. What arrangements might you have to make when planning a meeting?
  5. What might an agenda include?
  6. What is the best way to ensure meeting documentation is distributed on time?
  7. What is the reason for taking and producing minutes of a meeting? Why do you need to check minutes for accuracy?
  8. Who would you distribute minutes of meetings to? And why is it important to do so within the predetermined timeframe?
  9. What type of special needs and cultural considerations might you need to consider when organizing a meeting?
  10. Why is it important to advise changes to meeting times, dates, places or agenda items is important to convey in writing?
  11. What reasons can you think of for having a set of spare hard copy meeting documents on hand?
  12. What tools could you use to assist you record the minutes and ensure they are accurate and a true reflection of the meeting.


For this task you must research each of the following topics, and answer the following questions in your own words. The research topics are:

  1. Describe at least two culturally appropriate communication techniques
  2. Identify the relevant formats for agendas and minutes
  3. List the key provisions of relevant legislation as it relates to meetin

Outline organisational procedures relevant to preparing and planning meetings.   Please ensure you provide answers that are detailed and are at least 200 words in length each.

ASSESSMENT TASK 3 Practical task – Organise a meeting

You are required to organise a meeting in your workplace or a simulated workplace. (You are not the Chairperson)  This could be a regular meeting in your workplace that you are involved with   or an extraordinary meeting outside the scope of general duties.  For example, you might organise a meeting to refresh staff about WHS obligations in the workplace or brief staff about a project you are working on.

You will need to determine the type of meeting you are having. You will need to ensure you comply with all legal and ethical requirements during the meeting.

You will need to provide documents and answer the following

1.      Organise a meeting, including informing participants and preparing materials

  • Identify the type of meeting, its purpose and who will participate in the meeting
  • Prepare a checklist/schedule that demonstrates your planning and time management
  • You will need to prepare an invitation for the meeting and discuss how you would distribute it
  • You will need to determine the requirements for the meeting and have them prepared (this could be a checklist). You will need to demonstrate how you identified any special needs or cultural requirements – this could be an email to all participants
  • You will need to prepare materials for the meeting, documents, additional papers, information, and presentation
  • You will need to prepare spare sets of materials in case they are required

2.      Prepare an agenda

  • Prepare a formal agenda for your participants, attach one copy with your submission

3.      Take minutes during a meeting and prepare minutes after the meeting

  • Draft copy of notes taken in the meeting
  • Produce minutes that reflect a true and accurate account of the meeting
  • Get the minutes approved by the chairperson of the meeting
  • Ensure you distribute finalised minutes to meeting participants, document how you would do this

You have reached the end of this assessment


NATIONAL UNIT NAMEOrganise  meetings
Assessor – Note each assessment task/s included and the assessment method. Add/delete rows as required.


□  Satisfactory

□  Not Satisfactory



□ Satisfactory

□ Not Satisfactory


Task 3

□ Satisfactory

□ Not Satisfactory




Your result will be able to be viewed in the Learner portal approximately three weeks after submission.


TRAINER/ASSESSOR NAME                           TRAINER/ASSESSOR SIGNATURE                DATE

Your trainer/assessor will provide you with feedback following completion of the task. They will update your learner record with the result which you can view in the Learner portal. If you wish to provide feedback, please complete the Learner questionnaire provided here and detail your feedback in the Assessment comment box on Page 2.

Should you wish to query your assessment result please view the process in the Assessment Policy available on the TAFE Western website.

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