401211: Health Variations 4-Acute-Mr. Kirkman Case Study Question and Answers

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Aim of assessment

The purpose of the assessment is to enable students to demonstrate knowledge by accurately analysing information in a case study of complex critical care patient.

Read the case study attached and answer the following questions-

  1. Analyse the pathogenesis in relation to the clinical manifestations in the case study help (15 marks).
  2. Select ONE (1) appropriate nursing strategy, and explain the underpinning evidence base for this rational (5 marks)
  3. Critically Analyse the Arterial blood gas results, and relate them to the underlying pathogenesis (10 marks)
  4. Academic Writing (5 marks).

Case study Details: Mr. Kirkman a 75-year-old male, presented to ED complaining of burning sensation upon urination and lower abdominal pain radiating into the right flank.

Mr. Kirkman was admitted to the ward with a diagnosis of Urinary tract infection. He was placed on IV NaCl and IV Sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim 1 0 mg/kg/day IV in 2 equally divided doses daily, and an Indwelling catheter was inserted.

Twenty-four hours later, his condition deteriorates HR 135, BP 80/42, RR 35, and TEMP 39 and looks generally unwell.

History from ED notes

  • Wife died 12 months ago.
  • Social drinker
  • Heavy smoker 2 packs a day since commencing as a teenager.
  • Chronic bronchitis on Vento in and Atrovent
  • Previous UTI
  • No cardiac history

Diagnosis 24 hours later

  • UTI with severe sepsis


  1. Patient speaking in single words
  2. RR 35bpm, accessory muscle use SPO2 82%, in obvious distress
  3. Sinus rhythm 135bpm, Blood pressure 80/42mmHg, Temperature 39°C
  4. E4, V4, MS
  5. Use of accessory muscles, lower abdominal pain 6/10, flushed face
  6. IVC in situ, IDC- Dark urine passed small amounts approximately 40mls in last 8 hours
  7. 4mmol/L

Marking criteria and standards Assessment 2 Short Answer Questions

Marking criteria and standards Assessment 2 Short Answer Questions


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