Clinical Psychology Assignment Help

Assignment (3 tasks)
Using the 4 case studies attached complete the following three tasks:
1. Evaluate the concepts of normal and abnormal behavior and usefulness of different models of abnormal behavior. Using the attached case studies analyse the difficulties involved in the diagnosis of mental illness and discuss their usefulness.
(A.C 1.1 1.2 1.3)
2. Pick two of the case studies and assess the similarities and distinctions of mental illness. Using the same case studies assess the main explanations of the major psychological disorders. (A.C 2.1 2.2)
3. Using one of the case studies, describe and evaluate the main approaches to the treatment of mental illness and practical and ethical implications of therapies and treatment. (A.C 3.1 3.2)
Word count 1500 +/- 10% words – please ensure each answer is sufficiently full to show your knowledge.
Please number each answer, insert page numbers to your submission and use size 12 font and 1.5 line spacing. Your work will be wholly in your own words and not cut and pasted from your research sources. If you use a direct quotation within your work, this needs to be correctly cited and included within a Harvard reference list. Your assignment will need to be submitted through Turnitin within the deadline date and time set by your tutor.

Unit title: Abnormal and Clinical Psychology
This assignment addresses the following Assessment Criteria from the unit :

Be aware of the problems involved in defining “abnormal” and “normal”
1.1 Evaluate the concepts of normal and abnormal behaviour.
1.2 Evaluate the usefulness of different models of abnormal behaviour.
1.3 Analyse the difficulties involved in diagnosing mental illness and discuss their usefulness.
Be aware of the major psychopathological disorders in terms of symptomatology
2.1 Assess the similarities and distinctions of mental illness.
2.2 Assess the main explanations of the major psychological disorders.
Be aware of the main therapeutic approaches to the treatment of mental illness.
3.1 Describe and evaluate the main approaches to the treatment of mental illness.
3.2 Describe and evaluate practical and ethical implications of therapies and treatment.
Unit title: Abnormal and Clinical Psychology
If you have achieved all Level 3 criteria you will receive a grade (Pass, Merit or Distinction) against the following Grade Descriptors. (There are no descriptors for Pass; learners achieve a Pass by meeting all ACs for the unit at Level 3.) Grade Descriptor To achieve a Merit : The learner, learner’s work or performance: To achieve a Distinction : The learner, learner’s work or performance:
GD2: Application of knowledge
Makes use of relevant ideas, theories and models with either breadth or depth that goes beyond the minimum required to Pass and/or very good levels of analysis and synthesis
Makes use of relevant ideas, theories and models with both breadth and depth that goes beyond the minimum required to Pass and/or excellent levels of analysis and synthesis. Grade Descriptor To achieve a Merit : The learner, learner’s work or performance: To achieve a Distinction : The learner, learner’s work or performance:
GD4: Use of information
generally appraises the relevance and value of new information accurately
consistently appraises the relevance and value of new information accurately Grade Descriptor To achieve a Merit : The learner, learner’s work or performance: To achieve a Distinction : The learner, learner’s work or performance:
GD7: Quality
Taken as a whole, demonstrates a very good response to the demands of the assignment
Taken as a whole, demonstrates an excellent response to the demands of the assignment
What this means for this assignment
To achieve a merit your work needs to be well presented and show evidence of study outside of class. Your structure should be clearly linked to each of the questions, which should be answered in a balanced way within the overall word count. For task one you have to look at how psychologists decide what is normal and what is abnormal and analyse the difficulties involved in diagnosing mental illness. You have to evaluate biological, psychodynamic, behavioural, humanistic, cognitive and sociocultural models of abnormal behaviour. Your work will show the process of your understanding of the topic and not just secondary research.
Specialist language and terminology will be used at times to demonstrate your understanding of the subject and support the application of your knowledge.
Your written work will have a few errors with regard to grammar, syntax, punctuation and spelling.
Your work should include a correctly completed reference list that shows you have read information from at least 3 sources.
To achieve Distinction you will need to show excellence in all tasks. You will include relevant models, illustrations and/or ideas in all your answers. Your structure will be fluent and balanced throughout.
Specialist language and terminology will be used consistently throughout your writing to demonstrate your understanding of the subject and support the application of your knowledge. All tasks will contain a conclusion of your findings, opinions and analysis. Your work will show the process of your understanding of the topic with detailed and clear investigation.
Your written work will have minor/no grammatical errors with syntax, punctuation and spelling which do not affect the readers understanding of your work.
Your work should include a correctly completed reference list that shows you have read information from at least 3 sources.


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