Understanding the different approaches to management and leadership

2.1 Leadership styles in TESCO and its contribution to achieve the organizational goals

In Tesco the managers follows Autocratic, Democratic and Laissez-faire leadership styles. They applies these three leadership styles in the different layers within the operational structure of the organization. The following table will demonstrate the application areas for the identified three leadership styles along with their benefits what Tesco has received.

Leadership Style Application Area Benefit/s


Implementation of the Decisions or policies within the organization. Uniformity of the command and the controlled implementation of the decisions or policies.



During the development of the policies like stock clearance or discounts.

During the planning of the new ideas.

It motivates the employees and encourages demonstrating their creativity. It increase the employee’s attachment with the organization.



In the development of the broader departmental plans like training needs, training budget fixing by the departmental managers. Increases the departmental manager’s and senior member’s attachment with the senior managers.

Table 1: Leadership Styles in Tesco along with the application area and benefits

(Source: Jeong & Choi, 2014, pp.105)

2.2 Evaluation on the different management approach adopted by the competitors

Name of the Company Management Approach followed Pros Cons





Management Science Approach

It allows solving the issues through the mathematical tools. It covers all the areas of the decision-making and human behaviors. Quantifying the managerial activities is a tough job. It requires higher level of expertise in the decision-making.





Human Behavior Approach

It usages the human relationships and the human behavior it helps in increasing the human bonding within the organization. Relating the management issues with the human behavior approach is untenable.





J Sainsbury






Social Systems Approach

It develops cultural bonding within and outside the organization. This relationship helps to grow the business and the loyalty over the organization. The higher co-operation within the groups helps to achieve the organizational goals very effectively. This management practice sometimes overlooks the some of the management concepts and principals that may hamper the future operations.

Increment in the groups may create management chaos within the organization.










Socio-Technical Systems Approach

It helps to develop the cultural bonding with the employees and the society through specifying the organized structuring the groups. The main problem of this approach is that technically dividing, relating those with the social culture is very much tough, and sometimes it fails to relate the broader aspects of the management.

Table 2: Different management approaches adopted by the Tesco’s competitors

(Source:,, van deVliet, Tesco plc, 2014)

2.2.1 Evaluation on the effectiveness of the approaches against TESCO’s approach

Tesco is taking the mixture of the two approaches. On the other hand, all the other competitors are trusting upon the single approach. The competitors are focusing either to develop the relationship outside and inside the organization or focusing to improve the management functions within the organization. However, Tesco is trying to handle the management issues through taking the technicality of the management and the social aspects at the same time. According to Kahn (2014), handling the societal senses and the management issues technically may create a myopic condition for the companies in long term because the social dynamics changes frequently and that have directly impacts on the business operations. Therefore, it will become very much difficult for Tesco to develop a long term planning to achieve the organizational goals. On the other hand, the single theory approach will help its competitors to establish themselves on a single motto ground. Yang (2014) stated that addressing the management issues through single approach payoffs in the long term planning for the achievement of the organizational objectives.

2.3 Explanation on the management support and TESCO’s management today

The management theories have been developed from wider perspectives. However, over the years the division of labor through scientific manner, bureaucratic division, industrial and organizational psychology. In the earlier times the entire concept of the workflow management was based on the purely output basis. However, with the changing course of time the concept has been changed from only output to the holistic approach including the human resources and the society (Jeong & Choi, 2014).

However, Tesco in present time is following the mixed approach of the scientific management and the bureaucratic management. Tesco officially is operating through the flat organizational structure through the division of work according to the competencies of the employees. However, to run the departments and the other operations they have developed an in-house bureaucratic structure. According to Satinoff (2014), this in-house informal bureaucratic structure helps Tesco to run their operation functions smoothly.

LO 3: Understanding ways of using the motivational theories in Organizations

3.1 Comparison on the different motivational techniques used by TESCO

Motivational Techniques Leadership Style Supportive Theory Pros. Cons.

Reward Program




Taylor’s Motivational Theory

It motivates the staffs to perform more effectively to earn more. The excessive stress on the monetary reward may increase the incidents like the false selling. It will hamper the brand image for the company.



Skill Development through Training and Development program










The Mayo effect

It helps in improving the workability of the employees. Moreover, it develops a feeling within the employees that they are important assets to the organization as organization is investing to develop them. If the training program has not been designed scientifically by the company then it could create a adverse effect on the employees especially on the new employees.





Employee Empowerment












Maslow and Herzberg





Increases the employee attachment and employee loyalty.

If the in-house promotion mechanism has not been maintained properly then the excess talent pool may feel frustrated and they may leave the organization. If this happens then the company will lose its own expertise to its competitors.



Job Satisfaction







Maslow and Herzberg



Lowers down the attrition rate.

May create a static phase for the promotional activities, which may become a reason for the frustration for the talent pool.

Table 3: Comparison on the different motivational techniques used by TESCO

(Source: Jeong & Choi, 2014, pp.105)

3.1.1 TESCO’s response to the changing shopping trends

Recent Trends Tesco’s Response Motivational Technique Used
Lesser footfalls in the physical stores Tesco is developing expansion plan with the small-scale stores though analyzing the demands of the local market. To increase the customer loyalty in all stores Tesco started loyalty program. Skill Development through Training and Development program, Reward Program and Job Satisfaction.
Seamless experience in the online and offline shopping Tesco has started the online selling of the products through their own website and through the development of the Tesco direct service. Skill Development through Training and Development program and Employee Empowerment
Faster delivery for the online shopping Tesco is offering the one-day delivery program for the high value customers in online and offline format. Reward Program and Skill Development through Training and Development program

Table 4: TESCO’s response to the changing shopping trends

(Source: Kahn,, 2014)

3.2 Evaluation of Skill Development through Training and Development program from both the employees and TESCO

The skill development through training and development has helped both the company and the employees to gain the advantage.

  • The main advantage what the employees receives through the training and development program is that it helps them to develop multidimensional skills within themselves. This multidimensional skill helps the employees to gain advantage in their corresponding career development plan (Yang, 2014).
  • The main advantage what the company receives is that they develop a team with the multitasking ability. This will help the company to deal with the recent changes in the market dynamics (Foley, 2014).

LO 4: Understanding the mechanism for the development of the effective teamwork in Organization

4.1 Explanation on the different dynamics and the behaviors of the groups

Type of Group Group Behavior Group Dynamics
Task Group Members unite to attain a common goal. A company develops this kind of group during the implementation of a specific project. It is a temporary group. An organization develops this kind of group to implement any project through division of work within the group. It works as a ad hoc committee.
Interest Group The goal of the members of this group is to gain some sort of benefits from the organization. The members are not directly related to the organization or organizational objectives. This group is the union of those members who are not related to the organization but their interest is same.
Functional Group It works as the tool to achieve the organizational goals. It could be either formal or informal. The main purpose for the development of this group is to attain the organizational objectives. This group works through different divisions independently.

Table 5: Different types of groups

(Source: Aubé et al. 2014, pp.125)

4.2 Strategies for the development of a High performance team

The fundamental strategy for the development of the high performance team is that to unite the members through a common purpose. The roles of the members need to be clearly defined so that the role conflict does not happen (Yang, 2014). The other thing what needs to be clearly defined is the clarity of the leadership. While developing a group the leadership must be defined by the organization through discussing with the possible members of the group. Other than these, the communication process and the workflow needed to be clearly defined so that any kind of miscommunication could not happen within the group (Dyer et al. 2013).

4.3 Evaluation on the use of technology in meeting the needs of the virtual team

The global expansion has become the trend of current global companies. Therefore, to attain the needs of the virtual team the technological advancement needs to be implements. According to Ogunleye (2011) meet the needs of the virtual team companies are adopting the web based platform and the use of the chat servers to communicate with the team members across the boundaries. However, Chang and Lin (2014) stated that the technology can provide the base line support for the virtual team but cannot provide extensive support for the team members.


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