Nursing Scenario Based Assignment Help


Choose one of Molly’s health problems and explain:

  1. The effect the problem would have on Molly’s health

The study chooses to discuss the ulcer on the left leg of Molly. The ulcer developed in her left leg and Molly is compelled to visit a local doctor three times a week to treat her ulcer. The treatment she is undergoing requires that she visit the doctor’s chamber and get the ulcer dressed regularly by the nurse at the doctor’s chamber. The doctor has advised Molly to avoid putting stress on her left leg and remain seated as much as possible and keep her left leg up to the most extent as possible for her. This has resulted in decrease of Molly’s mobility to a great extent as she has to follow the doctor’s advice and sat seated most of the time or as much as possible. While at home Molly does not have to worry about cooking as Pat does the cooking most of the time while at home. Also walking results in sever and increased pain in the left leg and the ulcerous area of Molly. The article indicates that the ulcer problem has been plaguing Molly for quite some time.

  1. How this problem would affect her life.

Molly’s medical condition has affected her life to a great extent. The ulcer has reduced mobility. She feels pain when she walks. Further to reduce the healing she has been advised to remain seated as much as possible. This has resulted in Molly staying inside the house for most of the time and while in the house she remains seated most of the time. She does not even cook as Pat does it. Since she can no longer go out for social events like bowling and thus is denied meeting friends and relatives. This has had a psychological effect on Molly. Her condition has left her very depressed and sulky. She has become increasing irritable. Being seated most of the time, she would obviously put on more weight this way which would affect her diabetic condition as well. She quarrels with Pat over small things and they feel that their marital relationship is starting to suffer as Pat finds Molly difficult to handle most of the time given her irritable nature.


Part 1:Discuss Primary Health Care and how it relates to Molly’s health problem you have chosen.

The system of health care that is based on practical, scientific and socially acceptable methods and technology and which is available for everyone in the society or the surrounding community, is defined as primary health care.  The system is so designed that the costs are affordable in term of the self reliance of the self determination of the region or community or the country (Gillam, 2008).

This system of health care focuses on health treatment for all and contributes to social policy.

Alma Ata in Kazakhstan was the place where the ideal model for primary health care was adopted in 1978 through a declaration of the International Conference on Primary Health (Starfield, 2011). The declaration undertook to confront the inequality in primary health care that were politically, socially and economically unacceptable (Crooks &Andrews, 2009).

The primary health care system entitles Molly that she gets fair and good treatment for her ulcer. This was not a health condition that would require specialized care or treatment. What she required was regular monitoring and cleaning of her wound. These are the basic amenities that are available and provided by the primary health care system.

Part 2:Briefly explain the “Wellness Model”.

Taking the responsibility of one’s own self and creating a balanced life for one with the ultimate goal to being the best person one can be is called wellness (Thomton, 2013). The wellness model has six basic dimensions in respect of how a person should be. The six dimension of wellness are the various spheres of life where a person should take care of one’s self and be happy and healthy. These six spheres are social, emotional, spiritual, environmental, occupational, intellectual and physical wellness. Each of these spheres interact with each other and have a co-relation with each other as also the overall sense of a person being ‘well’.


Discuss two principles of wellness.

There are several principles of Wellness. Such principles include:

  • Wellness has a holistic approach where the focus is more on the development of a person’s body mind and spirit. This principle focuses less on the bodily symptoms and emphasis on the person being ‘well’ in all aspects of life.
  • It is also accepted that wellness is an active process. A person should not only depend on others to achieve good health. A person should also take initiatives by oneself to fix the problems. This would include educating oneself about the problems and taking advice and learn from the health care advisor to take self measures to stay well.


  1. Explain how and why the two principles should be promoted for Molly?

Molly has been suffering from an ulcer in the leg which has left her almost immobile. This has made her irritable and depressed. The wellness principle of holistic approach could be promoted for molly for her to stay psychologically well despite her illness and remain happy even with her impediments.

The principle of active process of well too applies for Molly. Instead of going to the doctor’s chamber three times a week for getting the ulcer dressed, she could learn to do it herself. Her doctor and health care personnel could provide her the requisite guidance and help to do so. She could also use literature and books to learn the process herself. This would allow her to be aware of her present condition and train her mind accordingly. This principle should also be applied to solve the psychological problems that Molly is facing.

Part 3:Outline the disability -Type II Diabetes – including the statistical incidence within the Australian population. Define the basic pathophysiology of Diabetes.

In the type II diabetes, the body makes insulin but in most cases, either the pancreas is unable to make enough insulin or the insulin made is not used well enough. Type II diabetes is also called insulin resistance. This condition does not allow the sugar to get into the cells but instead gets stored in the blood and this causes many disabilities. Such conditions affect the nerves and small blood vessels in the eyes, kidney and the heart which can cause heart attack and stroke. This condition also results in more urination and thus a loss of fluids from the body. In such a situation if the person does not take enough fluids, the person can slip into what is called a diabetic coma (, 2014).

In Australia, it is estimated that 280 people get diabetes every day. The last survey conducted in Australia claimed that 956,000 Australians have type II diabetes. This number is estimated to reach 3.3 million by 2031 given the present rate of diabetes growth. Research into Type II diabetes in Australia shows that indigenous Australians are three times more prone to develop type II diabetes when compared with non-Indigenous Australians. Researches also show that more than 2 million Australians have developed pre-diabetes symptoms and is more than likely to develop the disease. Proper and timely treatment can prevent more than half of the pre-diabetes patients from developing diabetes in Australia (, 2014).


 Part 4: Writing a Learning Program:

State Molly’s health problem you are discussing.

Molly has developed an ulcer in her left leg. She goes for treatment and dressing to the local doctor three times a week. She has been advised to remain seated as much as possible with her left leg up. Molly has been cut off from the society and social occasions due to her this immobility and spends most of her time either watching television or listening to the radio. This has left her psychologically disturbed and she has developed severe irritability.

Explain the skill or behaviour she needs to learn or change.

Molly could develop the skill to dress her own ulcer or wound. This would reduce the trouble of going to the doctor regularly. She can also be aware of her problems more. She can also learn how to stay happy even in her present health condition and with limited mobility. She needs to develop activities that she can do even in the sitting position and perhaps if possible be a little more social and choose occasions and activities that allow her to remain seated for most of the time. This would allow for her wound to heal as well as relax her mind and reduce irritability.

Identify two other health professionals who could assist this client and explain how they could help.

A doctor or a nurse can help Molly learn dressing her own wound. A psychiatrist can advice Molly to remain mentally healthy even in her present health condition.

State two teaching methods you would use and briefly explain how you would teach the client. Teaching methods may include explanation, skill demonstration or writing simple instructions.

Molly can learn to dress her wound either from a nurse or from books and articles and resources for the internet. This method of teaching herself can be direct or secondary.

Molly can take the help of a psychiatrist and follow his instructions or she can use and read form literature and medical articles available in public domain or the internet.

Choose two different types of resources that are available to help you support your client’s learning.For example websites, pamphlets and/or community programs. Please include actual website addresses or community program names.Explain how each resource will help the client (remember that these need to be referenced in-text and included in your reference list!)

Molly can take the help of a nurse or advice form a medical professional to dress her ulcer wound. She can read it from books or from the internet sites like (, 2014) and (, 2014).

Molly can read articles and books on psychiatry and mental wellness either from the local library or form the internet. Sites like (, 2014)and (LIVINGSTRONG.COM, 2010).

Part 5:Following the death of Molly:

a How would you as an enrolled nurse support her husband through the initial grief and bereavement process?

As a trained nurse, helping the grieving husband would primarily involve helping the person psychologically. There are several steps that one should follow like letting the husband the wife but the issue should not be forced, letting the husband cry out his grief and obtain relief thus, be accommodating if the husband gets angry or irritable and be helpful in such a situation, try and not bring up the matter of the wife’s death and try and engage the husband in activities that would keep him busy. However if the situation is goes out hand the nurse, in consultation with a doctor, can give medicines to relax to the husband. The nurse should also be observant about existing health problems of the husband that could be affected by the grieving.

  1. Name one resource or support service you could recommend to this grieving spouse. Again please include actual website addresses or community program names.

Such tips and treatment methods can be found on the internet and includes websites like (, 2014) and (, 2014).


Molly’s condition was treatable and she could or a medical professional could help her treat her psychological problems. This would have helped her get on more easily with life and reduce the stress and strain of her life. She could have also learned to dress her wound and eliminate the need to regularly visit the doctor. Molly or Pat could have used the information available for both of the above from the local library or the internet or both.


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