Engineers Australia

Engineers Australia

Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) is a report which demonstrates your competency to Engineers Australia. Also, it is an essential requirement for immigration process of Australia for Engineers. You need to prepare the CDR in a typical style and format for successful skill assessment from Engineers Australia.

Although Australian Immigration is bright way for engineers to get their dream life and career but few constraints like laziness, lack of time & knowledge of the process and tough ask of compiling appropriate Competency Demonstration Report, almost essentially required by Engineers Australia for successful skill assessment, make the people reluctant to apply for it. Achieving successful skill assessment from Engineers Australia is just like “elephant is through and only tail is left” in the process of Australian immigration. The trickiest part in skill assessment from Engineers Australia is compiling CDR with extremely appropriate information in it and preparing Summary Statement as per exact requirements of Engineers Australia.

 cdr assignment help


AssignmentTask.Com is a company which has large database of approved Competency Demonstration Reports (CDRs) of professional engineers of almost all disciplines and provides professional assistance in preparing Competency Demonstration Reports of engineers who feel difficulty in writing and compiling their Competency Demonstration Reports. Having sound knowledge of engineering practices and vast experience of engineering background, we are a small company of engineers which provides such a unique service of its own kind. We work with strong dedication and apply efforts in right directions without any error and unnecessary delay. We proved our professional approach and all our clients are extremely satisfied with our feedback and outcome. Having 100% success rate, we have completed numerous cases of skill assessment but none of these are rejected are even asked for review by Engineers Australia.

 All engineers, interested in Australian Immigration, would know the importance of positive skill assessment from Engineers Australia. A positive outcome from Engineers Australia is surely a priceless achievement. However, just to cater the needs of our clients and feeling importance of services, we offer these services at minimal rates. For details, surf other parts of our website

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  • The format of CDR.
  • The structure of CDR.
  • How to fulfill the requirements of CDR.
  • How much information must be elaborated in the CDR

If you know all the above mentioned then may be you don’t have time to prepare your CDR. Most importantly, the CDR can only be submitted to Engineers Australia only once and there is very little margin of correction only if Engineers Australia ask for it. So, your CDR must be prepared in a professional manner.

Services regarding CDR-Engineers Australia Preparation

We offer 3 different types of services regarding Competency Demonstration Report (CDR). Detail of these services are as below:

  1. Complete Package of Assistance in CDR Preparation
  2. Summary Statement Preparation Based Upon Already Prepared Career Episodes.
  3. Review of Already Prepared CDR
  1. Complete Package of Assistance in CDR-EngineersAustralia Preparation

It is a complete package of Assistance in CDR Preparation and will start from your CV. We need your updated CV and the process will begin. You will have to provide us feedback what we ask you time to time and so on…

This complete package includes at least three (3) Career Episode, One (1) Summary Statement and One (1) Continuing Professional Development. Process of CDR-Engineers Australia preparation will be as follows:

  • Preparation your career episodes based upon information you will provide about your work.
  • Sending these Career Episodes to you for approval
  • Starting work on Summary Statement after your Go ahead.
  • Sending Complete CDR after complete payment.

The whole process take 4 to 5 days. Basically it purely depends upon feedback of client.

  1. Summary Statement Preparation Based Upon Already Prepared Career Episodes.

If you have written your three career Episodes and don’t know how to prepare your Summary Statement, you can avail our help service in which we will write a full fledge Summary Statement with all necessary elements it must contain. Remember that writing Summary Statement is the most confusing part of the CDR-Engineers Australia writing process which requires a lot of time. Summary Statement is written on the base of your Career Episodes. Usually it contains elements which check your work experience and management skills. Engineers Australia has given a pattern of summary statement which we need to follow. We extract the key elements from your career episodes and use them for preparing your Summary Statement. We prepare it in a way that it contains all key elements of your Career Episodes. In this regard, our service includes:

  • Detailed analysis of the structure, style and language of each episode.
  • Creation of basic draft of your Summary Statement.
  • Pointing out the absent “units and elements of competency” in the CDR.
  • Preparation of a report which contains the points which we find missing in your episodes.
  • On getting a response from you, we will include the missing elements in Career Episodes and we will also update your Summary Statement according to these changes.
  • Sending you the completed report for approval.
  • Upon getting your comments, we will polish the Summary Statement for any betterment.

All our correspondence is done on very quick bases. We hate to waste our client’s precious time. We take 7-10 days to write complete Summary Statement.

  1. Review of Already prepared CDR

We provide complete help in checking your completed CDR which you have written yourself. This service provides our customer the confidence to put their CDR for skills assessment. We have very professional staff which will thoroughly examine your CDR for any lacking and correct them to prepare a CDR which can meet the standards of Engineers Australia. We will check the structure and style of writing. We will also do compete linguistic analysis of your report.

We will check your all three career episodes and your Summary Statement for the existence of all the “units and elements” that Engineers Australia requires in a CDR. On its bases, we will send you a suggestion report which will comprise of our findings, suggestions and advices about the structure, language and content of your CDR.

The key elements of this service include;

  • Checking of your three Career Episodes for their structure, style, content and language
  • Critical analysis of your Summary Statement
  • Preparation of the Advice Report

If your CDR is ready and we just need to have a professional look at it, it will take only 3 total days.

It is important here to know that writing the Competence Demonstration Report is your own work. We are here to help you and suggest you what is good for you, however, we cannot guarantee and success in approval. But, we are well experienced people and have prepared many CDRs which got positive results from Engineers Australia.

Engineers Australia has been authorised by the Department of Immigration to provide an opinion about an applicant’s skilled employment claims as part of the skills assessment. However, the decision to award points for skilled employment remains with the Department of Immigration case officer, who may also need to review claims of relevant employment gained subsequent to the formal assessment.
In determining whether an applicant’s skilled employment is closely related to their nominated occupation, the assessment by Engineers Australia will take into consideration the occupations within one unit group classified under the ANZSCO Classification of Occupations.
Be aware that only work experience gained after completion of the qualification supporting your nominated occupation will be recognised. Work experience gained prior to or during your studies will not be assessed as relevant.
Applicants who require this service can apply at the same time as submitting an application for the standard assessment or at a later date.
Applicants are required to provide third party documentary evidence as a colour scan of an original employment document which must:
• be written on the official letterhead of the company, or government department;
• indicate clearly the full address of the company and any telephone, fax numbers, email and website addresses;
• be dated;
• include the name and position of the person endorsing the employment document. These should be typed or stamped below that person’s signature – a reference with an illegible signature will not be accepted:
• include the direct contact number and official email address of the person endorsing the document;
• indicate:
• the main five (5) duties undertaken,
• the job title or positions held (positions should not be described by generic titles (e.g., Engineer) but according to the nature of the duties undertaken (e.g., Assistant Project Engineer – Civil),
• the exact period of employment (start and finish date, including day/month/year),
• whether full or part-time (including hours/week).

Engineering Technologists normally operate within broadly-defined technical environments, and undertake a wide range of functions and responsibilities. They are often specialists in the theory and practice of a particular branch of engineering technology or engineering-related technology (the technology domain), and specifically in its application, adaptation or management, in a variety of contexts. Their expertise often lies in familiarity with the current state of development of a technology domain and most recent applications of the technology. Within their specialist field, their expertise may be at a high level, and fully equivalent to that of a Professional Engineer. Engineering Technologists may not however, be expected to exercise the same breadth of perspective as Professional Engineers, or carry the same wide-ranging responsibilities for stakeholder interactions, for system integration, and for synthesising overall approaches to complex situations and complex engineering problems.
The work of Engineering Technologists combines the need for a strong understanding of practical situations and applications, with the intellectual challenge of keeping abreast of leading-edge developments as a specialist in a technology domain and how these relate to established practice. For this purpose Engineering Technologists need a strong understanding of scientific and engineering principles and a well-developed capacity for analysis. The work of Engineering Technologists is most often concerned with applying current and emerging technologies, often in new contexts; or with the application of established principles in the development of new practice. They may also contribute to the advancement of technology.
Engineering Technologists frequently will take responsibility for engineering projects, services, functions and facilities within a technology domain, for specific interactions with other aspects of an overall operating context and for managing the contributions of their specialist work to a broader engineering system or solution. In these roles, Engineering Technologists must focus on sustainable solutions and practices which optimise technical, social, environmental and economic outcomes within the technology domain and over a whole systems life cycle. They will have an intimate understanding of the standards and codes of practice that underpin the technology domain and ensure that technology outcomes comply with statutory requirements. Engineering Technologists are required to interact effectively with Professional Engineers and Engineering Associates, with other professionals, tradespersons, clients, stakeholders and society in general, to ensure that technology outcomes and developments fully integrate with the overall system and context.
Engineering Technologists must ensure that all aspects of a technological product or operation are soundly based in theory and fundamental principle. They must understand how new developments relate to their specific field of expertise. They will be often required to interpret technological possibilities, to investigate interfaces, limitations, consequences, costs and risks.
Engineering Technologists may lead teams responsible for the implementation, operation, quality assurance, safety, management, and maintenance of projects, plant, facilities, or processes within specialist practice area(s) of the technology domain. Some Engineering Technologists may establish their own companies or may move into senior management roles in engineering and related enterprises, employing Professional Engineers and other specialists where appropriate.

We offer CDR writing services for almost all streams:-

  • CDR writing for Electrical Engineering
  • CDR writing for Civil Engineering
  • CDR writing for Mechanical Engineering
  • CDR writing for Instrumentation
  • CDR writing for Industrial Engineering
  • CDR writing for Mine Engineering
  • CDR writing for Material Engineering
  • CDR writing for Bio medical Engineering
  • CDR writing for electronic Engineering
  • CDR writing for computer Engineering

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