Analyzing Current Educational Assignment Help

Plan goal: Effective utilization of ICTs to overcome the challenges of ESL in terms of interaction and frontal teaching style

This discussion explores the challenges that have treated as obstructions to Nigeria’s step forward into the knowledge era (Okoh, 2008). While go though assessing the educational system, it is largely noted down that issue in understanding English language is still remain issue for Nigerian students (Bunch, 2013). It is the fact that language is being considered as the medium of social interaction and thus required effectual language to response correctly in the place of work, communal interaction, as well as without a doubt, for practical literacy. Here, it is needed to be put emphasis on that “an individual is practically literate at what time he has gained the acquaintance as well as proficiency in both reading along with writing which facilitate him to fit into place successfully in all those areas where literacy is usually implicit in his way of life of group (Girgin * & Stevens, 2005).”

Therefore, to address the interaction issue using ICTs, the following plan may play essential role:

The plan to address the interaction issue through ICTs involved several steps, which started with “Up skilling and conversion responses”. Subsequently, there is requiring “Attracting more number of students to participate ICT related programs”. At what time, student are started showing interest on ICT related program, there is requiring taking actions to make sure that higher education related to second language are aligned with changing needs (Gass, Mackey & Ross-Feldman, 2011).

While interaction issue is considered as one of the major problem for Nigerian students to understand English language; the frontal teaching style is also being considered as another major issue in understanding English language towards Nigerian students. Here, it is noted that such issue arose mainly because of following three issues (Kelly et al., 2005). First of all teachers are heavily rely on text book as well as existing learning materials. At the same time, the student did not go beyond classroom learning. Finally, they always are trying to finish the study within deadline not even understanding the purpose of the study.

Under such circumstances, the below mentioned plan through adopting ICTs would help to address this specific problem.

It is the fact that innovation plays significant role in contemporary world whether in daily life or corporate life. So, students should have to acquire knowledge to compete with others. In this context, the use of ICT in terms of developing Class Learning Interactions – Observation tool or CLI – O supports to organize learning activities, enhance interaction with teachers as well as others (Shah & Khan, 2009). It is noted that such CLI – O tool supports both theory based teaching along with establishing a new pedagogy customized to the requirements of the 21st century (Verhoeven, Heerwegh & De Wit, 2014). It will also facilitate the students to think differently beyond the classroom teaching, which will lend a hand towards the students while entering into the corporate world. Further, this will support to enhance the capabilities to work with team in future (Wallenius, 2010).


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